
Oumy Express HDC

18 May 2024 – 9:15pm
Phew, here he is at last! Like all stars, this foal has been a long time coming. We are delighted, very delighted indeed, to announce the birth of Oumy Express HDC at the Haras des Coudrettes. The name Oumy is associated with a calm and caring personality who is not afraid to challenge himself and will achieve the goals he sets himself. How can we resist naming our only Orient Express son to be born in 2024 after him? Oumy Express HDC, a son of Quismy des Vaux*HDC and Orient Express*HDC, is the full brother of Justmy Express HDC, our young crack, reigning French champion 4yo, who has just arrived under the saddle of … Reynald Angot.

Olenna HDC

12 May 2024 – 11:55pm
The births continue to come and go at the Haras des Coudrettes. Last night it was the turn of Khaleesi Express HDC to give us a superb daughter of Carinjo 9*HDC. In reference to the mythical series Game of Thrones, after her brother Northking HDC, this granddaughter of Orient Express*HDC will be named Olenna HDC in tribute to Lady Olenna Tyrell, the “Queen of Thorns”, Lady of Highgarden and Governor of the South.

Orchidee Express HDC

9 May 2024 – 9.20pm
A magical night at the Haras des Coudrettes with the birth of Orchidée Express HDC. A daughter of Icare Express HDC, she is named after her dam, Fleurbelle N*HDC. The orchid embodies supreme beauty, splendour and sensuality. It speaks of love and seduction, and remains a sensual and mysterious flower that should be offered with pleasure and fervour.
So welcome Orchidée Express HDC and thank you to Java, its kind surrogate mother.

Victory for Untouchable Gips*HDC

CSI2* Equi-Normandie

After a splendid double clear round Reynald and Untouchable Gips*HDC win the Grand Prix 1.45m Equi-Normandie

Orso Express HDC

5 May 2024 – 3:30am
Here he is! Last night, Unna de Kerglenn*HDC gave us a superb son of Icare Express HDC.
We are under the spell of Unna’s young offspring born at Les Coudrettes. After Luigi Jr, Mona Lisa Express and Nina Express, welcome their little brother Orso. The name Orso comes from the Latin ursus, meaning bear. This little cracker will be strong and courageous.

Odisea HDC

4 May 2024 – 8.30pm
The ball of births continues at the Haras des Coudrettes. This evening, we welcomed a daughter of Chica du Plessis who is none other than a granddaughter of the famous Bourrée and Piergiorgio BUCCI’s phenomenon, Casallo Z.
Chica’s daughter could only have a name of Latin origin. We wish Odisea HDC (Odyssey in Spanish), which is available for sale, a wonderful journey.

Oliska Express HDC – At last!

2 May 2024 – 3:30am
Here she is at last! After 11 months and 25 days in the warm, a new marvel has deigned to show her nose at the Haras des Coudrettes. She is a daughter of Vriska de Blondel*HDC and Icare Express HDC, two horses particularly dear to our hearts.
Vriska, French Reserve Champion at 6, competed in 5* classes under Kevin Staut. She is also the dam of Dirka de Blondel, herself French Champion at 6, who is a regular on the CSI5* podium with Lorenzo De Luca. Her sire, Icare Express HDC, a son of Orient Express*HDC and Silvana*HDC, is the future of the HDC team.
A very nice pedigree for this very pretty, all black and very toned filly.
Welcome to Oliska Express HDC and lots of love for Cinderella who carried her and looks after her with love. Everyone is doing wonderfully.

Opishmy Jr HDC

Saturday 27th April 2024 – 11:30pm
Tonight we had a lovely moment with the birth of a very special foal for the whole Haras des Coudrettes team. He is the son of Quismy des Vaux*HDC and our first born, Be Express HDC. So, yes, these are not births like the others. More joy, more fear… more emotion. All Quismy’s foals have names of … tenderness. We are delighted to welcome Opishmy Jr HDC … funny name isn’t it? but it means “a kiss” in Uzbeck.
Thank you to Jade for carrying this little marvel.
Hugs and kisses to you all!