Oumy Express HDC

Oumy Express HDC

18 May 2024 – 9:15pm
Phew, here he is at last! Like all stars, this foal has been a long time coming. We are delighted, very delighted indeed, to announce the birth of Oumy Express HDC at the Haras des Coudrettes. The name Oumy is associated with a calm and caring personality who is not afraid to challenge himself and will achieve the goals he sets himself. How can we resist naming our only Orient Express son to be born in 2024 after him? Oumy Express HDC, a son of Quismy des Vaux*HDC and Orient Express*HDC, is the full brother of Justmy Express HDC, our young crack, reigning French champion 4yo, who has just arrived under the saddle of … Reynald Angot.